The OWA One-Minute Inspiration is an exclusive members only service. To see links to all of the One-Minute Inspirations listed below, you can either login as a member or join OWA now.
If you're interested in contributing content for the One-Minute Inspiration and are able to share a bit of your time, talent, and personal expertise, please click here to learn more.
Select any of the subjects below to see a list of One-Minute Inspiration submissions for that topic.
Retro-Read: How to Stay Motivated – Barbara Siminerio, 03-01-2025
(Inspiration, Organization)
This was originally published on June 1, 2016.
Staying motivated can be challenging under the best of circumstances. Most of us make a New Year's ...
A Valentine to Yourself: Embracing Self-Love and Grace – Bonnie Whitfield, 02-15-2025
Valentine's Day has long been a celebration of love — a time to shower our significant others, children, pets, parents, nieces, nephews, and friends ...
How Do You Unplug and Regroup? – Debbie Myres, 02-01-2025
Do you ever feel overwhelmed and think, "Stop the world — I want to get off"? What do you do, and how do you get back on track?
In October I ...
Tech It or Leave It: Tools for Transformation & Connection – Heather Harrington, 01-15-2025
The optical industry and our daily lives are witnessing a wave of transformative innovation. From groundbreaking lens technology to AI, to telemedicine's ...
Less Than 100% is OK! – Candice Spurlin, 12-15-2024
You don't have to give 100% all the time — and that's okay.
We've all heard that we can have it all and do it all. If you took on more projects, ...
Mentor, Mentee, or Both? – Karen Michaelson, 11-15-2024
Connecting the DOTS can create a full circle. By the time you read this, the OWA will have launched an exciting opportunity for our members — the ...
A Celebration of YOU! – Monica Chopra, 11-01-2024
I love birthdays and do not think that I have ever missed a year celebrating mine on November 5. It's not just the sweet indulgences I enjoy but the ...
"Humanness" Through Creativity – Carla D'Angelo, 10-15-2024
In a world where talks of AI and its implementation are increasingly dominant, the opportunity for us to share our unique "humanness" is through ...
Setting Your Intention – Tracey Esser, 10-01-2024
What does it mean to set your intention?
By definition, setting your intention means making a commitment to yourself, whereas your intention is tied ...
Birth Order Theory & the Path to (Avoiding) Burnout – Abigail Crosby, 09-15-2024
Birth order theory suggests that the order in which you were born affects your personality and life experiences. Oldest children are often given more ...
Steady Anchors Yield Calm Waters – Barbara Lax, 09-01-2024
Around 15 years ago, a health scare left me coping with uncertainty about my future. It was a pivotal moment that imparted two valuable lessons:
the ...
From Stagnant to Stellar: The Power of Embracing Change – Heather Harrington, 08-15-2024
In the fast-paced world of the optical industry, staying adaptable and continuously learning are essential for personal and professional growth. It's ...
Lost in Translation:
From "Fish Out of Water" to "Mermaid" – Shelbi Bernhard, 08-01-2024
I glanced at the airport screen displaying the local weather: 104°F and humidity index of 81%. And since it was almost July, monsoon season would ...
Dream Catching – Jennifer Trakhtenberg, 07-15-2024
Specific moments leave an imprint and can be called upon with a glowing grin. Serving as a "people leader" can some days resemble a contact sport — ...
The Biggest Game-Changer for Me? Emotional Intelligence – Megan Molony, 07-01-2024
Ever notice that person who just gets it? They're cool in a crisis, a wizard at work, and an approachable boss. That's emotional intelligence (EI) at ...
Comparison is the Thief of Joy – Holly Martin, 06-15-2024
It has been said that "comparison is the thief of joy." In a world where anyone can post the life they want to have on social media, it's often hard ...
Prioritizing Your Personal Self – Jessica Darling, 06-01-2024
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of personal growth? Resolutions? Goals? As we approach the halfway mark of 2024, I challenge ...
Inspiration and Connection Born from Tragedy – Barbra Dey, 05-15-2024
On September 17, 2022, our hearts shattered as we lost Zoe Jelinek, the beloved 20-year-old daughter of my dearest friend, in a tragic accident. The ...
Yes, You are a Salesperson! – Gilda Mehraban, 05-01-2024
I've heard the phrase "I'm not a salesperson" so many times from women around me, and it always makes me smile. Despite evidence of a gender gap in self-promotion1, ...
Creating a Circle of Support – Jackie Janiec, 04-15-2024
On October 23, 2012, after a soothing epidural was thrust in my lower back by a handsome resident at Roosevelt Hospital in NYC, my adorable baby girl ...
Spring: A Time of Re-Growth – Stephanie McCoy, 04-01-2024
I am a midwestern girl from Ohio, so this time of year is exciting for me. This is the time of year where we get to shake off the winter blues and start ...
Letting Go – Amy Stachler, 03-15-2024
A few months ago I had the privilege of attending the first OWA Unplugged retreat. One of the topics was letting go of what no longer serves you. It ...
The Little Things Are the Big Things – Kristen Tischler, 03-01-2024
How is it already March? 2024 is flying by and life is as chaotic as ever. Trying to balance being a wife, a pregnant mom, a busy professional, and keeping ...
Remotely Satisfied – Jennifer Trakhtenberg, 02-15-2024
Rain was pelting down and the bus was not coming for several more minutes. Spontaneously inspired, I grabbed my son's backpack and ushered him into the ...
Lean Into Discomfort to Inspire Growth – Cira Collins, 02-01-2024
Do you remember the physical ache in your bones when becoming a young woman? My barely pubescent body would hurt after a day of doing nothing more than ...
Accelerating Success Through Shared Adventures – Heather Harrington, 01-15-2024
In the tapestry of professional success, individual threads weave together to create a resilient team. Just like a killer playlist where every song brings ...
Get Involved: OMIs are a Great Place to Start! – Jessica Darling and Bonnie Whitfield, 12-15-2023
Dear OWA members,
We welcome you to a new year of being part of a group of dynamic women who are always there for you, pulling for your success. You ...
Finding Enjoyment in Creating Space – Rachel Meyer, EdD, 12-01-2023
The holidays provide wonderful opportunities for reminiscing over memories of years past, enjoying old and new stories as we catch up with friends, cherishing ...
Thankful – Katherine Cruz, 11-15-2023
November . . . the month of thankfulness. The timing could not be more perfect, having just taken the time for myself to spend two- and-a-half days with ...
Resilience – Kristen Reynolds Hopper, 11-01-2023
Back in January, I wrote the article Learning to Shift, highlighting the challenges of planning a wedding during COVID, the difficulties we experienced ...
You're Where You're Supposed to Be! – Jessica Darling, 10-15-2023
"Fake it till you make it." Who hasn't heard that phrase? It's clear that many of us don't know what we're doing and are winging it each day, hoping ...
Are You Leveraging Your Network? – Tatiana Stewart, 10-01-2023
(Personal Brand)
I've always known — or been told — that networks are important for professional success, but my network has always just sort of . . . been ...
The Reward Behind the Award – Carissa Dunphy, 09-15-2023
Extending a hand to its members is one of the many ways the OWA creates opportunities. Passionate members give their time to better the industry, and ...
Mentorship Matters – Deb Bulken, 09-01-2023
It's Sunday night, and I've been looking forward to this moment of reflection for several months now. My first-ever connection with the OWA was the One-Minute ...
Take a Cheerleader's Approach to Every Challenge! – Bonnie Whitfield, 08-15-2023
I coach recreational cheer in my little community. Ironically enough, I was not a cheerleader in my youth — I played volleyball, softball, and ...
Piece of Quiet – Rachel Meyer, 08-01-2023
Like many women of her generation, my beloved grandmother was a force to be reckoned with. She raised 4 children alone in Delano, CA as a grocery store ...
Ways to Change Your Habits for Career Success – Dr. Maria Sampalis, 06-01-2023
Habits have been defined as "routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously", "a behavior pattern acquired by frequent ...
The Power of Looking on the Bright Side! – Barbra Dey, 05-15-2023
(Good Vibes)
We've all had disappointments in our lives; it is how we respond to these letdowns that sets us apart.
When I moved to Seattle from Ireland in the ...
Be the Light – Carissa Dunphy, 05-01-2023
In several recent conversations I've had with colleagues, peers, and mentors, I've repeatedly been told the same thing, "I'm not sure where you're going, ...
Create Your Own Sunshine – Melissa Guillory, 04-15-2023
(Good Vibes)
How are you, really?
It's a genuine ask of a simple question.
On some hard days, with some people, I take a deep breath and answer honestly. And ...
Be a Sponge: Adopting a Learning Mindset – Erika Plank, 04-01-2023
"Mom, you know what?" "Mom, can I tell you something?" This is how 80% of the conversations with my son start these days, usually followed by a handful ...
Developing Your Optical Intuition – Cira Collins, MPH, ABOM, 03-01-2023
(Personal Brand)
Have you ever been sitting at a stoplight and had an inkling that you should take an alternative route? Did you listen to yourself or did you sit in ...
The Uno Queen – Rachel Meyer, EdD, PMP, 02-15-2023
Many of us remember being little, and some of us have the good fortune to know little people in our lives. I have two very special small humans that ...
The Sticky Factor (Part 2) – Jennifer Trakhtenberg, 02-01-2023
Mastering Masterminding
Masterminding is a concept that goes back many thousands of years, but it still has tremendous current potential. We recognize ...
The Sticky Factor (Part 1) – Jennifer Trakhtenberg, 01-15-2023
"Does he really need 12 glue sticks and why do they have to be that exact size?"
Each year we have this discussion as the supply list is distributed ...
Holiday Cheering You Along! – Rachel Meyer, 12-15-2022
Oh, the holiday season! The glittering lights, music floating through the air, smells of delicious food that bring back memories . . . many of us enjoy ...
The Holiday Season is Upon Us! – Holly Gough, 11-15-2022
The first word that comes to mind when I think of the holiday season is "joy". For many, it is a special time to connect with family and friends, and ...
A Recipe for Success: "Mise en Place" – Jeannette Berman, 11-01-2022
I went into culinary school not realizing that I'd eventually become a data quality analyst. That doesn't exactly sound like the sort of job that lets ...
Investing in Yourself – Rachel Meyer, EdD, PMP, 10-15-2022
I was very fortunate to be a member of the 2022 cohort of Optical Women's Association Leadership Scholarship recipients. I am so honored by this recognition ...
Living Your Breast Life – Debbie Myres, 10-01-2022
As we roll into October, we are reminded that this is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I didn't think I would be writing to all of you from personal experience ...
Find Your Voice – Erika Plank, 09-15-2022
A few months ago, I went through an exercise that had me reflect on the best pieces of advice I've received in my career. For me, one of the these came ...
Creating Positive Change In Your Life – Katie Lauver, ABOC, FNAO, 09-01-2022
After receiving the Emerging Leader Award from the OWA at the beginning of this year, I had many people reach out, asking me what I did to get to where ...
Circles of Sunshine – Mary Lanning, 08-15-2022
(Good Vibes)
A study I came across recently said it takes the brain FIVE positive thoughts to replace the effects of ONE negative thought. FIVE TO ONE. Let that simmer. ...
Brown Paper Book Covers – Karen Michaelson, 08-01-2022
(Good Vibes)
One of my favorite things about being an OWA member is OWA Reads. I love to read, but in the past, reading was not a priority for me. I think I felt ...
Don't Overthink It . . . Just Dink It! – Lorie Lippiatt, OD, 07-01-2022
I cold-started my private optometry practice in 1989, straight out of optometry school; owning and operating my practice is all I had ever done for 33+ ...
Who Me? Finally!! – Jill Fine, 05-15-2022
(Strategic Planning)
Lately, that's been my reaction to the many people who comment on my happy and positive attitude. I am happy! I am positive! It's been a long road ...
With Compliments – Stephanie Lucas, 05-01-2022
(Good Vibes)
During this year's OWA Champagne Breakfast, I was struck by the "psychology of happiness" data point shared by speaker and Positive Psychology Practitioner ...
Bring Out Wonder Woman! – Mary Lanning, 04-01-2022
Some days I'm on fire: pushing through my check list, attending meetings, conquering all my priorities, taking care of my family, finding time to work ...
Happy Every Day! – Deb Bulken, 03-15-2022
I read our OWA One-Minute Inspirations (OMI) religiously; it was the first benefit when joining the OWA back in 2011 that I consistently took advantage ...
Time to Take Care of Me! – Katherine Cruz, 03-01-2022
As the business world around us changes daily — companies merging, buying, closing, and acquiring — it's not easy to stay focused when worrying ...
Envisioning Your 2022! – Rachel Meyer, 01-15-2022
Did you make any New Year's Resolutions? For me, the new year is a wonderful time of celebration and a time to look forward. The whole "resolution for ...
Planting Seeds – Karen Michaelson, 12-15-2021
(Good Vibes)
Fall in Minnesota for me is full of walks down roads that change before my eyes. One day as I was out walking, I came upon a beautiful, large dandelion ...
Keeping Your Remote Team Engaged! – Emilia Flamini, 11-15-2021
(Strategic Planning)
Who didn't struggle to find the perfect formula for keeping their people engaged and connected during these past 18 months? Who wasn't constantly trying ...
Leadership Insights and Strategies – Sandra Mohr, 11-01-2021
Cathy Firman (GPN Technologies) and Kylie Matya (Safilo) were the featured guests on the October OWA Talks podcast. These women, two of the OWA's 2020 ...
The Future Looks Bright! – Barbara Claire Schroer, 10-15-2021
When I first began my career in the eyecare industry decades ago, what I loved most was that I was working in an industry that offered medical care to ...
Using Influence and Opportunity for Professional Growth – Sandra Mohr, 10-01-2021
Joining us for the September OWA Talks podcast was optician Carissa Dunphy, sharing strategies and tips for expanding your influence and achieving a ...
Unlocking the Power of Your Connections – Sandra Mohr, 09-01-2021
Dr. Jennifer Stewart, optometrist and Chief Vision Officer at Performance 20/20, is the featured guest of the August OWA Talks podcast. With a successful ...
Transforming a Successful Career into a Successful Business – Sandra Mohr, 08-15-2021
(Strategic Planning)
Nancy Gries and Julie Hawkins were the featured guests on the July OWA Talks podcast. They have a long and successful history of over 50 combined years ...
Take the Challenge! – Rachel Meyer, 08-01-2021
(Team Building)
The past year has been an incredible time of growth for many of us, and the OWA was no exception. Several new programs were created as a direct response ...
The One in the Arena – Rachel Meyer, 07-15-2021
(Stress Management)
During the past year, almost all of us have experienced some uncertainty or anxiety resulting from the global health crisis. Many of us have been affected ...
Innovative Adaptation at Optometric Colleges and the Optical Profession – Sandra Mohr, 07-01-2021
(Strategic Planning)
Dr. Howard Purcell, President and CEO of the New England College of Optometry, was the featured guest on the June OWA Talks podcast, sharing what's going ...
Balancing It All: Creating Work / Life Symmetry – Sandra Mohr, 06-01-2021
(Work / Life Balance)
Katie Lauver, Vice President of Business Relations at GPN Technologies, was the guest speaker for the May OWA Talks podcast. A busy mom and full-time ...
OWA Strong — We Are All in This Together! – Sandra Mohr, 05-15-2021
(Good Vibes)
OWA's April podcast guest was Ashley Mills, CEO of The Vision Council and member of the OWA Board of Directors. Ashley was excited to share details about ...
Food for Thought – Beverly Bianes, OD, 05-01-2021
The world was in the midst of a pandemic. Our nation was facing cultural and social divides. 2020 was a year when many of us lived in fear of the unknown. ...
Pull Up a Chair – Allie Ianaconi, 04-15-2021
Pull up a chair. It's one of those phrases you grow up with. When you're a kid, it means sitting with the adults on Thanksgiving. You get a little older ...
Closing the Wage Gap – Sandra Mohr, 04-01-2021
(Strategic Planning)
The March OWA Talks podcast guest was Kate Hamm, OD, who serves as the Senior Manager of OD Engagement at Luxottica. Perfectly timed for celebrating ...
Rising to the Challenge! – Jessica Goebert, 03-15-2021
March is an important time of year where we reflect on the immense impact women have made on society throughout the years. From the changemakers who ...
Accessorizing You! – Sandra Mohr, 03-01-2021
(Personal Brand)
The February OWA Talks Podcast guest was Karen Giberson, CEO of the Accessories Council. The Accessories Council is a not-for-profit trade organization ...
Believe in Your Ideas and Others Will, Too! – Robyn Crimmins, OWA President, 02-15-2021
(Good Vibes)
Having a great idea is one thing. Selling it to those who can support you in making that idea a reality can be more challenging and take some doing. ...
Loving You — Becoming Your Healthiest in 2021! – Sandra Mohr, 02-01-2021
As we leave 2020 behind and move into 2021, we all realize, more than ever, that there are many things in our daily lives that we simply cannot control. ...
Creating Your Own "Success" in 2021 – Sandra Mohr, 01-15-2021
OWA's December podcast guest was Deidre Carroll, Editor-in-Chief of INVISION Magazine and an OWA member for 15 years.
Have you ever wondered how the ...
OWA Game-Changer – Janna Neal, 12-15-2020
Being in the optical industry for over 15 years has given me tons of opportunities to network, but a recent OWA Champagne Breakfast event was a game ...
The Gift of a "Thank You" – Carol Wilbur, 11-15-2020
(Good Vibes)
Almost from the time we learned to write, my mother made sure all of us kids acknowledged our birthday and Christmas presents with a handwritten "thank ...
How Can I Help? – Sandra Mohr, 11-01-2020
The October OWA Talks podcast guest is Holly Rush, and I encourage you to carve out an hour to listen to and reflect on the wisdom and advice she offers ...
I Need Everyone's Attention! – Rachel Meyer, 10-15-2020
(Good Vibes)
The teacher asked my pre-kindergarten 4-year-old daughter to warn her friends about a wasp near the playground. She determined the best approach was ...
Overcoming Stress Amid COVID-19 and Social Injustice Crises – Alysia Gradney, 08-15-2020
(Stress Management)
Many of us have had a difficult time dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing, and signs of social injustice, including civil unrest, racial ...
Venturing Off the Beaten Path – Jennifer Trakhtenberg, 07-31-2020
"It seems unlikely that the waterfall is off of this path", I suggest endearingly to my husband, as we explore a new hiking trail with our children. ...
Growing My Career as a Single Mom – Kim Schuy, 07-01-2020
(Strategic Planning)
Like anyone, I need help. I am not afraid to admit that. Also, I am not perfect, and my sons know this firsthand - I remind them often! Ten years ago, ...
Reading is My Passion – Deborah Myres, 06-15-2020
(Good Vibes)
I can remember when I first learned to read: the fourth week of first grade. After a few weeks of Dick and Jane with Spot, I was well on my way to pursuing ...
Duct Tape Is My Superpower – Michele Andrews, OD, 06-01-2020
(Work / Life Balance)
For working professionals, "work-life balance" is often seen as the ultimate measure of success. It's code for perfection, really; to achieve this goal, ...
Painting the Future: How Do I Choose to Look Back? – Jennifer Trakhtenberg, 05-15-2020
(Strategic Planning)
Throughout the past two months, I have had this unusual sense of going and doing, while simultaneously envisioning how I want to look back at this period ...
Working from Home: A Planned Pattern – Pamela Capaldi, 05-01-2020
(Work / Life Balance)
When I first sat down to write I thought I might come up with a catchy title. Something less basic than simply working-from-home. Something about working ...
Critical Thinking – Melissa Veeser, 04-15-2020
I am not talking about critical thinking as in "clear, focused open-minded thinking used in problem solving, trouble shooting, damage control, etc."
I ...
From Hot to Not! – Ginamarie Wells, 04-01-2020
(Good Vibes)
I read a blog post recently entitled, "Words Matter." The author was writing an apology for words he'd used previously. In this "apology" post, the author ...
One is a Powerful Number, When Talking Profits – Cheryl Vescio, 03-15-2020
(Profit Building)
In today's market, with increasing costs and decreasing reimbursements, we're all looking for a path to profitability that's easy to execute and will ...
Be the Boss You'd Want to Teach You! – Bradie Husser, 03-01-2020
Everyone always says, "It's hard to find good help." and I completely agree. However, have you ever stopped to ask yourself if you yourself are a well-rounded ...
Being Alive vs. Living – Nicole Ramos, 02-15-2020
Is there a difference between "being alive" and "living"? Some may say these words are interchangeable, but I disagree; there is a tremendous difference ...
Learners Inherit the Future! – Deborah Kotob, 02-03-2020
"In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer ...
The Year of Optical 2020! – Robyn Crimmins, OWA President, 01-21-2020
(Good Vibes)
I have always loved this time of year. It's a unique moment in our calendars when we embrace the unknown and all that is to come in the new year. It's ...
Do More in 2020 & Be . . . – Tiara Claxton, 12-28-2019
As we move into this exciting New Year for our industry, "20/20" implies sharp, clear vision. How we navigate through life to achieve success and happiness ...
Calling the Lateral Play – Ashley Mills, 12-06-2019
(Strategic Planning)
When done deliberately, Lateral Moves are anything but . . . .
A few years ago, The New York Times ran a great article about the path to leadership. ...
Coach Turned Player – Karen Michaelson, ABOC, 10-15-2019
(Good Vibes)
It seems I picked the perfect year to start my eye care career — I will celebrate my 40th anniversary in 2020. My first paying optical position ...
Giving Forward . . . – Pamela Capaldi, FAAO, 09-16-2019
(Giving Back)
I've been thinking a lot about the phrase "giving back". Those words are used often today in philanthropic giving. "Giving" is such a generous word in ...
In the Company of Women – Debbie Myres, 09-06-2019
So many articles lately have been about women who make their female friendships a top priority in their lives. I personally appreciate time together ...
The Fearless Woman – Autianna Wilson, 08-15-2019
Since I was a young girl, I have been taught by my Great-Grandma to be a "fearless woman". She was born in the 1920's during the Jazz Age and the Harlem ...
Taboo: What is Your Time Worth? – Lisa Cardone, 08-01-2019
How many hours a week do you work? Do you work on the weekends? How long is your commute? For most of us, work takes up a good part of our days and lives. ...
Accidental Inspiration – Liz Friedfeld-Gebaide, 07-15-2019
My love of yoga happened quite accidentally.
One night, I needed a place to escape the challenges of parenting my beautiful 16-year-old.
Rich, ...
A Stroke of Good Luck – Catherine Hickling, 07-01-2019
(Good Vibes)
I spent Memorial Day 2009 in the hospital partially paralyzed and with garbled speech as the doctors worked to reverse the effects of the stroke that ...
Trip Tips OWA-Style – Robyn Crimmins & VSP Contributors Denise Capretta, Stacey Curcio, Glenna Glenn, Suzie MacKenzie, Miriam McGorrin, Nancy Roellke, and Tracy Smith, 06-17-2019
Many of the women of the OWA are savvy business travelers. I learn a tip or trick from my fellow female colleagues every time I'm on the road with one ...
Priorities & Time Management – Bridgette O'Brien, 06-03-2019
The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
You walk in to the office and the first thing you do is turn ...
It's Not About Balance: How to be Effective in Your Personal & Work Life – Kelly Agosti, 05-15-2019
Deadlines, presentations, children, school plays, homework, dinner, sports, laundry, work travel, sick child, aging parents . . . does this all sound ...
Cherish Every Moment – Katherine Cruz, 05-01-2019
(Good Vibes)
When I volunteered to write a One Minute Mentor, several topics came to mind — "Managing Your Manager", "Social Media", and "Live Your Best Life" ...
Leaning into Fear and Doubt – Jill Johnson, 04-15-2019
When was the last time you took a risk in your career? When was the last time you leaned into self-doubt and landed victorious? When was the last time ...
Life Lessons Learned and Shared – Janice Dody, 04-01-2019
When was the last time you took a risk in your career? When was the last time you leaned into self-doubt and landed victorious? When was the last time ...
Re-Navigating Stress – Alyssa Santo, 03-01-2019
We all know what stress is and how it can negatively impact our health. It contributes to:
Lack of sleep
High blood pressure
Stomach ...
Digging Out: An Action Plan for Dealing with an Overwhelming Project – Pam Elfreich, 02-01-2019
(Stress Management)
You're at work and you just got another project added to your already overwhelming work load. How do you tackle it?
First, tell yourself, "You've ...
OWA Doing More in 2019! – Tiara Claxton, 01-02-2019
Hello, Optical Industry Professionals, and Happy New Year to you!
The OWA is celebrating 22 years of "Connecting, Inspiring, and Leading" the women ...
An Unlikely Pair? Look Outside the Box to Find the Right Mentor – Galaxina Munoz, 12-03-2018
Finding a mentor is comparable to finding the perfect pair of shoes. First you have to figure out what you're looking for. What style shoe do you desire? ...
The Value of Values – Jennifer Trakhtenberg, 11-01-2018
I often receive comments from visitors noting how much we focus on making our environment fun and lively, and on giving back to the community. Those ...
If you want something done, ask a busy person. – Nancy Black, 10-01-2018
Is it true that people with lots on their plates find It easier to cope with taking on more? I've heard it said that someone who is accustomed to juggling ...
Seeding the Future - #DOMORE! – Rachel Meyer, Ed.D., 09-04-2018
"Mama, carrots!" My sweet and sassy two-year-old was standing in front of me with both hands full of dirt and big orange carrots. Abigail's excitement ...
It's More Than Just a Hashtag . . . – Deb Bulken, 08-01-2018
(Giving Back)
This past week, several of our OWA Members were reflecting on the inspiring speech given by Holly Rush (CEO of Costa Del Mar) at the 2018 Champagne Breakfast ...
A Push Was All It Took. – Nancy Black, 07-02-2018
I was born in a small community in Wisconsin and decided at the age of 17 I was destined to explore the world. With the support of my parents and the ...
Getting Started With Reverse Mentoring – Janelle Pauli, 06-01-2018
A couple of months ago at the OWA events during Vision Expo East, I heard multiple comments and questions come up about the topic of reverse mentoring. ...
Friends Forever – Debbie Myres, 05-02-2018
(Good Vibes)
Friends forever seems like a bold statement, but I have had the pleasure of witnessing this happen. In kindergarten, a group of girls met and became ...
Creating an Exceptional Customer Experience – Jade King, 04-16-2018
Now, more than ever, it is essential to hire and train employees to provide exceptional customer service. Recognizing how important an intentional customer ...
The Art of Feedback – Jessica Turcotte, 04-02-2018
Feedback can be scary. It's hard to tell people what you think about them and equally hard to hear what they think about you. I personally used to spend ...
Creating Our Life Story – Michelle Krecz-Gondor, 03-15-2018
(Good Vibes)
I remember the past. Always looking at the mountaintops in the distance and wanting to be there; yearning for a new vantage point and forsaking the mountain ...
When Opportunity Knocks, Answer The Door – Ashley Ellis, 03-01-2018
Opportunity often presents itself at the most inconvenient of times and disguises itself as a problem.
Successful leaders will tell you to accept ...
What's Your Superpower? – Alyssa Voorheis, 02-19-2018
I recently became aware of something huge — the realization that I work on a team of superheroes! You may think that something like this doesn't ...
Work-Life Balance in the Home Office – Sherrie Rogerson, 02-01-2018
Working remotely or working from home is definitely more the norm than the exception in this day and time. However one may struggle finding the balance ...
Networking In 2018 – Debbie Myres, 01-16-2018
There is no better place for women in the optical industry to network than the OWA. Networking is an art that too many people learn only after opportunities ...
A Fresh New Year – Tiara Claxton, 01-02-2018
When I was a little girl, born into a family of 8 children, I learned early on that if I wanted to go somewhere or do something special, I had to plan ...
Of Course You Are Creative! – Brandie Shaw, 12-01-2017
"Yes, you are a creative woman. Creativity is not just for 'creative geniuses', Gail McMeekin assures her readers in the very first lines of her book ...
Best Day Ever – Debbie Myres, 11-15-2017
(Good Vibes)
Are you always planning for tomorrow and beyond? I love being with my grandkids, and no matter what we are doing, my grandson always says, "This is ...
Move Over, Holiday Hysteria! – Laura Lewis, 11-01-2017
(Stress Management)
The holidays are upon us — hard to believe it, isn't it? Weren't we just slathering on sunscreen, cranking up the air conditioners in our cars, ...
Connecting the DOTS – Karen A. Michaelson, ABOC, 10-17-2017
Five years ago, I was asked to present the keynote address at the Opticians Congress in Virginia on behalf of the Optical Women's Association. It was ...
OWAsohard – Rachel Meyer, 10-02-2017
(Good Vibes)
In my life' s journey, there are magnificent days where I feel that I have a cape and tiara; hitting every goal and high-fiving myself all day long. ...
Focus on Defining Yourself – Amy Robbins, 09-13-2017
"Once upon a time . . ."
As a child those words opened the world of imagination through fairy tales and other children's stories. I've always dreamt ...
Following Your Professional Passion – Sherrie Rogerson, 08-30-2017
Passion is defined as "a strong liking or desire for, or devotion to, some activity, object, or concept."
It can be frustrating when anyone advises ...
Summertime, Summertime! – Rachel Meyer, Ed.D., 08-15-2017
(Good Vibes)
If you are like me, you enjoy summer in all its glory — be it humid or dry, hot or smoldering (sorry western states!). Students of all ages enjoy ...
The 4 Disciplines of Execution – Lorinda Fraboni, 08-01-2017
Planes, trains, and automobiles? No WIGs, PIGs, and WHIRLWIND! Franklin Covey developed a program surrounding these acronyms in the book The 4 Disciplines ...
Time, What is Time? – Megan Schultz, 07-17-2017
Time, what is time? What would we all do if we had more time? Almost every day you can hear someone say "Oh, if only there were more hours in the day." ...
How to Be a Leader When You're Not "The Boss" – Megan Greene, 07-06-2017
(Leadership, Mentoring)
A boss is defined as a person in charge of a worker or organization. They are the decision makers; the authority that employees look to each day for ...
Quieting Your Mind – Carrie Chambers, CPO, 06-28-2017
(Stress Management)
Like many of you, I have a Type A personality. I am rigidly organized and ruthlessly efficient. I am always adding more to my full plate, saying "yes," ...
Take a Bow — For You – Melissa Veeser, 06-15-2017
(Good Vibes, Personal Brand)
I believe most people have a deep, inherent desire to help and assist others in their journey of growth and self-empowerment. Heart calls us. This ...
How to Stay Motivated – Barbara Siminerio, 06-01-2017
(Inspiration, Organization)
Staying motivated can be challenging under the best of circumstances. Most of us make a New Year's Resolution, whether it is to go the gym, stick to ...
How to Have an Awkward Conversation – Meg Klaers, inspired by the article "Straight Talk" in Mindful Magazine (April 2017 issue), 05-01-2017
(Communicating, Negotiating)
Awwwkward . . . . . . .
Each day, we encounter situations when we feel the need to say something but because we fear we'll be judged, not liked or ...
Let's Take the Time to Be Healthy – Robyn Crimmins, 04-17-2017
Too many women I know have cancer. Among them are an artist, a business owner, a librarian, a photographer, and a teacher. They were all once girl bosses ...
Time Management – Lauren Bianchi, ABOC, 03-15-2017
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
Like all working moms, I am busy. I sometimes surprise myself with the amount of stuff I can successfully accomplish in the first 2 hours of waking up. ...
Will You Make History? – Karen A. Michaelson, ABOC, 03-01-2017
March is Women's History Month. This year I decided to explore the women and changes that helped pave the way for us today. Here are a few of the things ...
Tips to Improve Your Presentation Skills – Deborah Lochli, 02-16-2017
(Communicating, Leadership)
From time to time I am called upon to make a presentation. In the past, my fear of speaking would get the best of me and I became somewhat paralyzed. ...
Out with the Old, In with the New – Susan Parker, 02-01-2017
(Inspiration, Mentoring, Organization, Work / Life Balance)
The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on the past, consider the present and plan for the future, both personally and professionally. ...
7 Secrets of Incredibly Brave Women – Debbie Myres, 01-17-2017
Happy New Year to Everyone! As we end one year and begin another, I always look for inspiration to make the next year better than the last. I received ...
Next Year, Next Level
(Inspiration, Work / Life Balance)
Introduced by Dave Beebe
Fifteen years ago, my husband Ken and I were on a snow-shoeing vacation in the beautiful Banff National Park and we discovered ...
Grow Where You're Planted – Robyn Crimmins, 12-12-2016
(Leadership, Mentoring)
A trusted mentor once gave me the advice that you don't have to change jobs or move companies to gain new experiences and skills. She said, "growing ...
Bovine Adventures – Rachel Meyer, 11-29-2016
(Inspiration, Work / Life Balance)
Yesterday, I heard the words from my daughter's nanny, "Miss Rachel, Yummy 1 is standing next to my car." These are not words you hear often. Let me ...
Value Creation & Service Innovation Now – Lorie L. Lippiatt, OD, 11-15-2016
(Profit Building, Strategic Planning)
This past year, we've done a review and implemented many changes in our Optometric practice, established in 1989. We've always been an early adopter ...
Keep Your Options Open – Deb Bulken, 11-01-2016
(Mentoring, Personal Brand)
"Keep your options open". That was the best advice my first and most invested mentor has ever given me. When I was much younger and making even the ...
Turning Customer-Centric Service into Life-Centric Service – Karen Michaelson, ABOC, 10-18-2016
(Customer Satisfaction, Work / Life Balance)
Customer Centric Service is the buzz these days. We all work very hard to make sure our customers and patients experience the unique and spectacular. ...
Creativity Today – Sheila Haile, 10-03-2016
Creativity today.
It used to be that being creative meant only one thing. It meant you could put pen to paper and draw something that sort of resembled ...
Jump In With Both Feet – Christie Walker, 09-08-2016
(Leadership, Mentoring)
When I took the job as editor of several optical magazines for Frames Data, I knew practically nothing about the eyewear industry, glasses, lenses, and ...
A Positive Reaction – Sherrie Rogerson, 09-01-2016
(Inspiration, Mentoring)
Everyone has experienced those days, weeks, and months when things don't go as planned. Whether it is personal or professional, it can quickly put you ...
The Gift of a Compliment – Karen A. Michaelson, ABOC, 08-17-2016
(Giving Back, Organization, Work / Life Balance)
Just like our cars, we set our cruise control daily and simply motor on. We go about our usual routine to ensure our days go as seamlessly as possible. ...
Juggler or Circus Act? – Rachel Meyer, 08-01-2016
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
As professional women, I wager there are a few of you that may have felt, or feel the same way.
Ever feel like you are a juggler trying to balance ...
Seeking (and Finding) Your Mentor – Deb Lochli, 07-14-2016
(Communicating, Mentoring)
I recall reading an article by Kaleigh Moore on how to go about finding a mentor. I believe most of us would like to have a mentor but not sure how ...
Show a Little Kindness – Debbie Myres, 06-29-2016
(Giving Back, Work / Life Balance)
Recently I spent the weekend with my sister, who lives about 1,200 miles away and has experienced some very difficult health problems in the last year. ...
Yes, But - Versus - Yes, And – Megan Greene, 06-16-2016
(Leadership, Negotiating)
I recently participated in a focus group. Throughout the two-day workshop, I met people from all five lines of our company's business. We participated ...
Foggy Dog Days – Melissa Veeser, 05-31-2016
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
I don't have a dog, but you wouldn't know it on this particular day recently. The week seemed much longer and it was only Tuesday. I had been working ...
Turning Failure into Opportunity – Barbara Siminerio, 05-17-2016
(Mentoring, Personal Brand)
It is at this time of year when performance reviews are delivered. It is an opportunity to reflect on the past and make plans for the future. As my ...
How Mindfulness Can Be Incorporated into the Busiest of Lives – Liz Vickers, 05-03-2016
(Inspiration, Work / Life Balance)
Mindfulness? How can one be mindful in this day and age? Juggling children, demanding careers, home and family obligations, and so many other tasks all ...
Communication – Susan Rose Ohneck, 04-19-2016
(Communicating, Negotiating)
"Be Brave Enough to Start a Conversation That Matters" — Author Unknown
Only a rare few "drama" lovers enjoy confrontations. Most of us view ...
Workplace Etiquette – Yvette Plaza Leclerc, 04-04-2016
(Communicating, Personal Brand)
Have We Forgotten The Meaning of "Workplace Etiquette"?
It seems workplace etiquette is becoming just as casual as business casual Fridays. Have we ...
My Mirror's Getting Clearer – Koi Rivers, 03-15-2016
(Inspiration, Work / Life Balance)
She's a definite mini me; there's no denying that. From the knock knees, to the dislike of tomatoes, to the love of music and dance, she is definitely ...
Believe in Yourself! – Brandie Shaw, 03-01-2016
(Leadership, Mentoring)
I am often asked what it's like to manage a sales team comprised solely of men. While I won't say there aren't challenges, I am fortunate to have a really ...
4 Simple Ideas That Can Transform Your Workplace and Your Life! – Corinne McCormack, 02-16-2016
(Mentoring, Personal Brand)
Several years ago, I noticed that my life was not going the way I wanted it to go. I was overwhelmed and unhappy. Fortunately, in this state of mind, ...
The Universal Law of Attraction – Lauren Bianchi, ABOC, 02-01-2016
After taking an exciting new job loaded with possibilities and moving my husband, daughter, dog, and cats 70 miles from our parents and friends, we moved ...
Embrace Change! – Amy Robbins, 01-19-2016
(Inspiration, Personal Brand)
If you told me 17 years ago that I would be developing product for the action sport channel, I would say you have no idea what you are talking about. ...
Next Year, Next Level
(Inspiration, Work / Life Balance)
Introduced by Dave Beebe
Fourteen years ago, my husband Ken and I were on a snow-shoeing vacation in the beautiful Banff National Park and we discovered ...
Reversing the Formula for Success – Christie Walker, 12-01-2015
(Good Vibes, Inspiration)
There is a line of thinking that says: If you work harder, you'll be more successful. And if you are more successful, you'll be happier. We are fed ...
The All-Powerful Handwritten Note – Rachel Meyer, EdD, CPO, 11-16-2015
(Customer Satisfaction, Personal Brand)
Do you remember the last time you received a handwritten note? What about the last time you wrote and physically mailed a handwritten note or thank ...
Walk A Mile in My Shoes – Glenna Glenn, L.D.O., 11-02-2015
(Mentoring, Team Building)
"What you think you know and what you actually know are two different things."
Several years ago, I was fortunate enough to hear those words from ...
It's All in the State of Mind – Audrey Pavia, 10-15-2015
(Leadership, Stress Management)
Have you ever heard of being "mindful"?
Mindfulness is a skill. It is the ability to look at the world around you and everyday events without letting ...
Steps to Survive a Hard Day at the Office – Lorie L. Lippiatt, OD, 10-01-2015
(Organization, Stress Management)
We all have challenging days, and some are more epic than others! After all, there is really no such thing as a perfect life. I took a few suggestions ...
There's No "I" in TEAM – Lauren Bell-Thomson, 08-31-2015
(Good Vibes, Team Building)
Let's face it; getting a project done on time with a team behind you is much better than going it alone. "You are only as strong as your weakest link" ...
Empowering People with Your Positive Energy – Rachel Meyer, EdD, 08-17-2015
(Leadership, Team Building)
Do you remember when you started at your company? Do you remember the anticipation, the excitement, the enthusiasm and the naiveté of that first ...
Reading to Refresh, Learn, and Be Inspired – Sheila Haile, 08-03-2015
(Inspiration, Mentoring)
In. One. Minute.
It's August. Dog days and all that. Certainly feels like it today in NYC. I decided to focus my article on one of my ...
The Gift of a Compliment – Karen A. Michaelson, ABOC, 07-15-2015
(Good Vibes, Team Building)
Just like our cars, we set our cruise control daily and simply motor on. We go about our usual routine to ensure our days go as seamlessly as possible. ...
Are You the Best Boss — Ever? – Debbie Myres, 07-01-2015
(Leadership, Team Building)
When you think of someone who creates an inspiring work place for you — that enables you to be your best and be highly engaged in your work — ...
Effective Mentoring – Susan Ohneck, 06-15-2015
(Good Vibes, Mentoring)
When I was asked to write an article for the Mentoring committee, I approached the task as I usually approach a new task, which is to gather information, ...
Think Positively – Cerella Rainey, O.D., 06-01-2015
(Good Vibes, Inspiration)
Former United States President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose". When change comes ...
Accentuating the Positive – Amy Spiezio, 05-18-2015
(Good Vibes, Work / Life Balance)
Everyone has rough days, times when you are disappointed in your performance or feeling like you're not meeting your personal or professional goals. ...
We Can All Make a Difference – Vickie Sullinger, 05-04-2015
(Inspiration, Leadership)
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the social injustice in today's world, the economy, our nation, the perceived threats from foreign countries, and the ...
The Power of Connecting – Ann E. Englert, 04-16-2015
(Communicating, Mentoring)
Industry buzz and the OWA Star Award events in NYC during Vision Expo provided the platform to exchange ideas on many topics. One of my favorites is ...
Are You In Your Comfort Zone? – Kate Renwick-Espinosa, 04-01-2015
(Mentoring, Work / Life Balance)
Whether you're just starting a new job or have been in your career for years, stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the best things you can do ...
The Journey to Becoming a Mentor – Deb Lochli, 03-16-2015
(Leadership, Mentoring)
It seems like it was just yesterday that I received a phone call from Grady Culbreth advising that I was nominated to the OWA Board of Directors. (It ...
Taking Care of You in Today's Fast-Paced World – Yvette Plaza-Leclerc, 03-02-2015
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
With our everyday lives moving at warp speed, we don't make nearly enough time to take care for ourselves.
If you are a mother and work full time ...
Giving the Gift of Sight – Barbara Siminerio, 02-16-2015
(Giving Back, Leadership)
Over the past two years, I have had the opportunity to participate in several outreach events centering on Optometry Giving Sight's "World Sight Day". ...
Lost Resolutions: Learning from Failure – Amy Spiezio, 02-02-2015
Well into the month of January and already a slew of resolutions crowding Facebook and beyond have fallen by the wayside. And then begins the self recriminations, ...
Logout, Sign Out, Out of Office — The All-Important Digital Disconnect – Rachel Meyer, 01-15-2015
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
When was the last time you truly unplugged from the digital world we are immersed in?
We all lead extremely busy lives. We have families, careers, ...
Next Year, Next Level
Introduced by Dave Beebe
Thirteen years ago, my partner Ken and I were on a snow-shoeing vacation in the beautiful Banff National Park and we discovered ...
Gratitude – Christie Walker, 12-02-2014
(Good Vibes, Inspiration)
As we are wrapping up another year, many times the focus has already shifted to what's ahead, setting goals and resolutions for the next year. I know ...
Endings May Also Bring New Beginnings – Karen A. Michaelson, ABOC, 11-17-2014
(Inspiration, Mentoring)
What happens when something in life comes to an end? Of course, the answer depends upon what is drawing to a close. Even the most extreme of endings ...
It Is All About Perspective – Rebecca Johnson, 11-03-2014
(Leadership, Team Building)
As the story goes, there was a group of four blind men that were introduced to an elephant and asked what it was. The first one touched the tusk and ...
Tips for Simplifying Your Life – Audrey Pavia, 10-15-2014
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
My all time, favorite motivational speaker is Curtis Zimmerman. Some of you may be familiar with Curtis, as he was the keynote speaker at an OWA POWW ...
Dodge the Productivity Thieves: 5 Tips for Workplace Efficiency – Lorie L. Lippiatt, OD, 10-01-2014
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
We are all busy. Have you been finding yourself ever answering the question "How are you?' with the answer, "busier than ever"? I would consider myself ...
Life Lessons from Skippy – Linda Fitzgerald, 09-02-2014
(Good Vibes, Work / Life Balance)
Our family had a picture perfect life. We had a beautiful home, my husband and I had a great marriage, two children, a dog and a cat. Without my knowledge, ...
That's The Way I've Always Done It – Elaine Brink, 08-18-2014
(Leadership, Organization)
Habits. Old, new, good or bad. Habits are part of life. Some habits are healthy, like exercise or eating right. Some habits are harmful, like driving ...
Help Along the Way – Charisse Toale, 08-01-2014
(Communicating, Mentoring)
Helping and Mentoring. Both require a giver and a receiver, yet many times in life we have passed by opportunities to do both in a single event.
As ...
Snap, Crackle, and Pop – Katheryn Dabbs Schramm, 07-14-2014
(Inspiration, Work / Life Balance)
One of the many benefits of membership in the Optical Woman's Association is the opportunity for professional and personal growth while we appreciate ...
Words to Live By – Amy Spiezio, 07-08-2014
(Inspiration, Mentoring)
Although most of us are finished with schooling (aside from CE), this season filled with graduations and celebrations can inspire thoughts of what's ...
Want to be Extraordinary? – Debbie Myres, 06-17-2014
(Inspiration, Organization)
Now that the month of June has arrived, it is a great time to review your plans for the balance 2014. Are you on target for your business goals? Is ...
Curveballs – Karen A. Michaelson, ABOC (Communications Committee), 06-05-2014
(Mentoring, Stress Management)
Life is like a baseball game. The question is not if, but when, a curveball will come your way.
This month's One Minute Mentor was to be written ...
Beauty Rest – Cerella Rainey, O.D., 05-27-2014
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
I routinely adhere to the old adage "just sleep on it" as an effective strategy when encountered with increased pressure and problems in both my personal ...
3 Tips for a Great Mentor Relationship – Deb Lochli, 05-01-2014
(Communicating, Mentoring)
I recall once reading an article by Steve Cooper, contributor for Forbes Magazine. I've taken the liberty of paraphrasing his thoughts for you, hoping ...
My Wish to You This Spring – Jodi Groh, 04-15-2014
(Good Vibes, Inspiration)
Spring. It always brings thoughts of life, of newness, of growth. And after the winter many of us have endured this year, we're looking forward to a ...
Wisdom For The Ages – Ann E. Englert, 04-04-2014
(Good Vibes, Mentoring)
Recently I attended a dear friend's celebration of 95 years! Yes! This woman dazzles us with her brilliant mind, enjoys a colorful life and loves to ...
Welcome to the Club – Michelle Vignault, 03-17-2014
(Leadership, Team Building)
Many of us are fortunate to have established roots within our company. I attended my company's holiday party last year and many were congratulated for ...
Lions, Tigers, And Bears — Oh My! – Ashley Shewmaker, ABOC, 03-03-2014
(Strategic Planning, Stress Management)
If your practice is anything like mine, you've cast aside the day-to-day upkeep of business for the whirlwind that is our changing industry. I wake up ...
Being Grateful – Sue Creek, 02-19-2014
(Giving Back, Good Vibes)
Be grateful. It is simple to do, but often forgotten.
Being grateful can change your day in an instant. Dealing with a cranky patient or customer? ...
Do You Possess the Virtue of Patience? – Karen A. Michaelson, ABOC, 02-03-2014
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
This topic came to me quite vividly when dealing with a couple of situations that I would like to share with you. A couple of facts about both:
I ...
Empathy – Maggie Sayers, 01-20-2014
(Communicating, Personal Brand)
We probably all know people, either at work or in our personal lives, who are really good listeners. No matter what kind of situation we are in, they ...
No New Year Resolutions For Me – Christie Walker, 01-06-2014
(Inspiration, Work / Life Balance)
Each year, New Year Resolutions are made and oftentimes within weeks broken. As a list maker at heart, I can't help myself . . . I make a list of resolutions ...
Feeling Left Out? – Amy Spiezio, 12-17-2013
(Communicating, Inspiration)
Have a little down time during the holiday or looking for a good gift book for the workingwomen in your life? A new book on the market focuses on how ...
Refresh Your Mind and Work Space for the New Year! – Debbie Myres, 12-02-2013
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
With the holidays approaching, thoughts go to shopping, gifts, parties, where to go, what to eat and inevitably lead to the dreaded New Year's Resolutions. ...
Celebrate You! – Lorie Lippiatt, OD, 11-18-2013
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
I recently returned from my annual birthday trip to the Napa Valley. I like great wine, and the Napa Valley during fall harvest has been my "go to" ...
In Search of the Napkin Idea – Sheila Haile, 11-08-2013
(Inspiration, Strategic Planning)
I love this term: napkin idea.
Such a simple phrase to capture such a complex thing: an idea.
They come from anywhere, anytime. We store bits and ...
Staying On Course – Rebecca L. Johnson, CPOT, COT, COE, 10-15-2013
(Mentoring, Organization)
Everyone struggles with staying motivated and reaching their goals. Just look at how many people go on diets, lose weight, and then gain it back again!
The ...
Time to Change, Time to De-Stress
(Communicating, Stress Management)
Introduced by Mentoring Committee Member, Karen Michaelson
I have the pleasure of picking articles from the OWA One-Minute Mentor archives. Even though ...
Just 2 Songs – Christie Walker, 09-03-2013
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
Working from home is both a joy and a curse, especially if you are a multitasking woman. A joy, because the commute is short and without peril (unless ...
Motivation – Maggie Sayers, 08-15-2013
(Inspiration, Leadership)
People often say that motivation does not last.Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily.— Zig Ziglar —
No one can ...
Balancing Act – Katheryn Dabbs Schramm, 08-01-2013
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
We've all heard it many times, "It's not the destination; it's the journey." I've wrestled with that most of my life. Life has been a series of goals ...
WWCD – Karen A. Michaelson, ABOC, 07-18-2013
(Good Vibes, Mentoring)
I get asked all the time "Are you always this happy and positive?" The answer is yes but it hasn't always been that way.
Trust me, after being ...
You Are Worthy and Valuable! – Linda Fitzgerald, 07-01-2013
(Good Vibes, Work / Life Balance)
One of my dearest friends lives hundreds of miles away from me, and with the craziness life brings, we do not have the opportunity to speak nearly as ...
Organize Now — 3 Steps to Get Started! – Michelle Vignault, 06-14-2013
(Organization, Stress Management)
1. Prioritize
Categorize your tasks by importance and then choose timeframes to get them finished. Such as this week, this month, or by end of summer. ...
Show Me the Money! – Amy Spiezio, 06-03-2013
(Organization, Strategic Planning)
As much as we all love our jobs, it's highly unlikely that any of us are working for free. Unfortunately, women in the workplace are still consistently ...
What Does It Really Mean To Mentor In Today's World? – Sheila Haile, 05-15-2013
(Communicating, Mentoring)
When I began to think about the topic of mentoring in today's world, I wondered . . . is mentoring the same thing for today's young women as it was for ...
Things My Mother Taught Me – Debbie Myres, 05-01-2013
(Inspiration, Mentoring)
Mother's Day is a time for reflection of our Mother, the Mother we have become or the Mother we hope to be. What our mother instilled in us as children ...
Balancing Home and Work
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
Introduced by Mentoring Committee Member, Karen Michaelson
I have the pleasure of picking articles from the OWA One-Minute Mentor archives. Even ...
Take a Pause – Michelle Vignault, 04-01-2013
Over 15 years ago, I fell into the eye care industry by answering a newspaper ad (remember those?) as a telephone operator for a multi-provider eye care ...
Chancing One's Arm – Linda Fitzgerald, LDO, ABOC, NCLEC, HFOAA, 03-17-2013
We were blessed with the opportunity last summer to visit and explore Ireland with our daughter and her boyfriend. The Fitzgeralds were going to Ireland!
Our ...
What Is In The Back Of Your Knowledge Closet? – Karen A. Michaelson, ABOC, 03-04-2013
(Leadership, Work / Life Balance)
I love writing about situations that I call "live feed". The experiences are real and have positively impacted me or those around me.
Recently, a ...
Here's To Your Success! – Corinne McCormack, 02-18-2013
(Inspiration, Mentoring)
I started my own business in 1993. At that time, it was a recession and people advised me not to start anything new or risky. I was told not to launch ...
My Tin Box – Rebecca Johnson, CPOT, COT, COE, 02-04-2013
(Good Vibes, Organization)
A few days before January 1, I read an article that suggested keeping notes throughout the year to remind you of special moments and thoughts. Then, ...
Declutter the E-Clutter – Lorie Lippiatt, OD, 01-16-2013
(Organization, Stress Management)
I really like January. No, not because it's the dead middle of winter, but January usually brings about change. Over the past few years, one change ...
Next Year, Next Level
Introduced by Dave Beebe
Eleven years ago, my partner Ken and I were on a snow-shoeing vacation in the beautiful Banff National Park and we discovered ...
How Do You Give Back? – Rachel Meyer, Eyefinity, 12-10-2012
(Giving Back)
Around this time of year, we hear about opportunities to give to those in need. We consider donating time and money, we hear special stories of anonymous ...
Find Your Inspiration, Feed Your Soul – Linda Fitzgerald, Classic Optical, 12-03-2012
(Inspiration, Work / Life Balance)
Sometimes the monotony of our daily routine can be draining. I have found two ways to maintain the drive and determination to become successful.
Feed ...
Time Management – Maggie Sayers, M. Sayers Coaching, 11-07-2012
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
Your perspective and empowered ability to choose how you invest your time directly impacts the success you'll have in all aspects of life.
No one ...
Taking the Challenge: Eating Healthy on The Road, On the Job, On the Go Overview – Rebecca Johnson, EyeTrain4You, 10-15-2012
(Leadership, Work / Life Balance)
On May 1st, I received an email from Christie Walker asking me to conduct the workshop at the Optical Women's Association Meeting on September 5th in ...
What Stage Is This? – Sheila Haile, ClearVision Optical, 10-03-2012
(Mentoring, Work / Life Balance)
This has been a big year for me, both personally and professionally. Looking back, I am astounded on how swiftly life changes and that I am already ...
Refunds: An Apology with Zeros – Katheryn Schramm, A Child's View, 09-17-2012
(Communicating, Negotiating)
We've all done it. Worked hard to make a sale, secure a contract, or solicit new business, only to see it go terribly wrong. Lots of apologies, promises, ...
Tips for Networking – Amy Spiezio, Eyecare Business, 09-05-2012
(Communicating, Mentoring)
Whether you're heading to Las Vegas to Vision Expo West or to the rotary meeting in your hometown, knowing how to network can help you make the best ...
Are You the Master of Multi-Tasking or Disguise? – Karen Michaelson, I Kare Optical and Clinic Services, 08-13-2012
(Organization, Stress Management)
Do you consider yourself a great multi-tasker? Let's rethink this for a moment.
We are human beings and we are built to do just one complicated thing ...
Change Your Thinking – Contributed By: Maggie Sayers, M. Sayers Coaching, 08-01-2012
(Good Vibes, Inspiration)
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid ...
Why Women Need to Be Mentors (or Find Them)
Introduced by Dave Beebe
We recently subscribed to a newsletter distributed by a website called Next Avenue ("where grown-ups keep growing"). One ...
5 Strategies for Being Productive Instead of Just Busy – Lorie Lippiatt, OD, Salem Eyecare Center, Inc., 07-09-2012
(Organization, Strategic Planning)
Are you busy? Are you crazy busy? Sure you are! If you're like most of us, we are in and out of the office, on and off airplanes, in and out of hotel ...
Leveraging Leadership Advice from Women in Corporate America – Liz Baidoo, VSP, 06-04-2012
(Leadership, Mentoring)
Recently, I accompanied fellow OWA member Kate Renwick-Espinosa, Chief Marketing Officer of VSP Global to the San Francisco Women in Leadership Symposium.
Kate ...
Things to Do for Everyday Success – Jennifer Fiorenza, ClearVision Optical, 05-16-2012
(Inspiration, Work / Life Balance)
To me, there are some little things you can do that can make an ordinary day, an extraordinary day.
Last fall, I read an article in Fast Company that ...
Tell Me If You've Noticed This – Maggie Sayers, 05-03-2012
(Organization, Strategic Planning)
When you start to step out and do something bigger in our business, and it's something outside your comfort zone...and you get really close to doing ...
How to Stay Motivated at Work – Rebecca L. Johnson, CPOT, COT, COE, 04-12-2012
(Good Vibes)
Didn't get a raise this year due to the economy? Is your office understaffed, making you overworked? Tired of the same ol' same ol'? Here is a surefire ...
Quotations for When You Need a Pick-Me-Up – Laura Sheehan, 03-12-2012
Sitting at your desk and need a little 'pick-me-up'? Wait . . . don't go looking for the nearest candy jar (who needs the calories anyway . . .), here ...
Increasing Motivation – Audrey Pavia, 02-02-2012
(Communicating, Inspiration)
It's hard for self-motivated beings to understand how others are not self-motivated. The truth is self-motivation is clearly a personality trait and ...
Next Year, Next Level
Introduced by Dave Beebe
Ten years ago, my partner Ken and I were on a snow-shoeing vacation in the beautiful Banff National Park and we discovered ...
Making it a Happy Holiday – Amy Spiezio, 12-05-2011
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
This time of year is often touted as the most wonderful, but getting through it might be challenging. Between work, family, and all of the other demands ...
The Two Best Words to Say When a Patient Complains – Rebecca Johnson, 11-07-2011
(Communicating, Customer Satisfaction)
I was recently presenting continuing education to a group of opticians in Eatontown, NJ when Martha, a hotel staff member who was assisting in getting ...
Helping Employees Adapt to Change – Audrey Pavia, 10-11-2011
(Leadership, Team Building)
We all face change – more often than not. Staff changes, downsizing, reorganizing and cost cutting are most common especially today amongst a fiercely ...
Investing In Your Knowledge – Rachel Rich, 09-19-2011
(Inspiration, Mentoring)
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. — Benjamin Franklin
What does continuing education mean to you?
To me it means enjoying ...
Are Entitled Employees Draining Your Work Environment? – Jodi Groh, 08-01-2011
(Leadership, Team Building)
My husband manages a fast pitch travel team and recently dealt with unhappy parents. While the majority of the team believes in being competitive and ...
Secrets to a Real Vacation
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
Introduced by Dave Beebe
I first heard Kevin Eikenberry speak at a conference last year, and afterwards subscribed to his inspiring and motivating ...
Making the Workplace a Stress-Free Zone – Liz Baidoo, 06-01-2011
(Organization, Stress Management)
I recently read somewhere that 3 out of 4 Americans consider their work stressful. Between demands of projects, colleagues and day to day tasks, it's ...
Building Employee Engagement Through Wellness – Mary Crisafulli, 05-05-2011
(Stress Management, Team Building)
Wellness. This simple word incorporates many facets that affect our whole being: how we work, how we play, how we live. As leaders we need to begin ...
Pearls and Shells – Rebecca Johnson, COT, CPOT, COE, 04-05-2011
(Good Vibes, Team Building)
When an alien substance irritates its shell, the natural reaction of the oyster is to protect itself by covering up the invading splinter with layers ...
Become a Good Delegator – Laura Sheehan, 03-14-2011
(Leadership, Organization)
Have you ever said, "It is easier to do it myself than to take the time to explain the project"? If yes, you are guilty of being a bad delegator.
And ...
How To Focus! – Deb Lochli McGrath, 02-09-2011
If you are like me, there are days when I seem to have lost all concentration. My doctor told me I am too old to have Attention Deficit Disorder!
Try ...
Next Year, Next Level
Introduced by Dave Beebe
Nine years ago, my partner Ken and I were on a snow-shoeing vacation in the beautiful Banff National Park and we discovered ...
What Might Your New Year's Resolution Be? – Jodi Groh, 12-01-2010
(Inspiration, Stress Management)
As we approach the end of another year, thoughts often turn toward making resolutions for the new year. Unfortunately, we often set unrealistic goals ...
Show Me the Money – Amy Spiezio, 11-10-2010
(Negotiating, Personal Brand)
Sure money isn't everything . . . . but it is pretty important. And despite the fact that women make up a significant percentage of the working world, ...
I Hope You Dance – Rebecca L. Johnson, COT, COPT, COA, 10-04-2010
(Giving Back, Good Vibes)
I could hear the sounds of a jazz band coming from the overhead speakers as I walked around the corner to enter the breakfast room at Das Dutch Village ...
Preparing to Be a Mentee – Rachel Rich, 09-07-2010
(Mentoring, Organization)
Most mentoring relationships are driven by the mentee. In order to prepare for a mentoring relationship, the mentee must first identify their learning ...
Power Up Your Career Makeover! – Deborah Lochli McGrath, 08-09-2010
(Organization, Personal Brand)
Makeovers on television shows and in magazines are enticing to most women. Of course the reason they are so popular, is because the idea of getting a ...
Vacation Days, Part 2 – Jody Groh, 07-12-2010
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
Last month, Amy Spezio, Managing Editor of Eyecare Business magazine, offered some fantastic tips on how to take a vacation and enjoy it. Summer is the ...
Vacation Days – Amy Spiezio, 06-07-2010
(Work / Life Balance)
Going to the beach, the mountains, or even just the back yard this summer? Good! It will help you work better in the long run.
PricewaterhouseCoopers' ...
Developing Future Leaders Through Mentoring – Mary Crisafulli, 05-18-2010
(Leadership, Mentoring)
Every well-run business should operate with an eye on the future. That's why it's critical for businesses to look at the development of their future ...
Strengthening Your Core – Rebecca L. Johnson, COT, CPOT, COA, 04-27-2010
(Team Building, Work / Life Balance)
When my husband and I recently joined a gym, we began to hear a lot of talk about "strengthening your core". Our first thought was, "What the heck is ...
Use a COIN to Reach Your Goals – Audrey Pavia, 04-14-2010
(Organization, Strategic Planning)
Ever wonder where the time goes and why you are missing achieving your goals? Are your thoughts and actions aligned? If thoughts lead to actions, what ...
Change Is Not Always Difficult – Audrey Pavia, 03-01-2010
(Stress Management, Team Building)
In corporate life, at least, change is not only the "only constant" but it is also frequently a thorn in one's side! You know that it is necessary, ...
Next Year, Next Level
Eight years ago, my partner and I were enjoying a snowshoeing vacation in Banff and discovered this very meaningful New Year's Day op-ed piece in one ...
Visual Acuity - What Do We Really See? – Jodi Groh, 12-07-2009
(Giving Back, Good Vibes)
I recently volunteered at a OneSightSM Vision Clinic and had the opportunity to participate in the visual acuity screening. Early in the day, LaShawn, ...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Mary Crisafulli, 11-10-2009
(Giving Back)
While Breast Cancer Awareness Month is nearing its end, the staggering statistics of this disease dictate that it should truly be something we are aware ...
Coloring Your Box – Rebecca Johnson, 10-13-2009
(Inspiration, Team Building)
Taking the risks required to "step out of the box" can be an intimidating thought, especially during this time of economic uncertainty. The tendency ...
The Last Lecture: Lessons Learned Over a Lifetime – Audrey Pavia, 08-04-2009
(Inspiration, Mentoring)
Understandably, it seems most of us are focused on one subject these days — the current tough economic times. But as our leaders and financial ...
Success is in the Details – Jodi Groh, 07-09-2009
(Organization, Strategic Planning)
As businesses today find themselves competing for less discretionary dollars, companies need to rise above the message clutter people are bombarded with ...
Setback, Comeback – Amy Spiezio, 06-09-2009
(Inspiration, Organization)
In challenging financial times, finding that you are not hitting business goals is a reality that many have to face. While it can feel like the end of ...
Low-Cost Ideas for Building Employee Loyalty – Mary Crisafulli, 05-11-2009
(Leadership, Team Building)
These days, you can't read the paper, watch the news or surf the net without hearing about the sad state of the economy. Regardless of how severely ...
YouTube: Broadcast Yourself – Rebecca Johnson, 04-15-2009
(Mentoring, Personal Brand)
Imagine-you get an email with a title that reads, "You . . . Broadcast". The E-mail has been carbon copied to everyone in your address book! Opening ...
Re-Think Your Marketing Plans for 2009 – Sandy Likes, 03-09-2009
(Strategic Planning)
Yes, we are in a recession and no matter how hard we try to cut expenses we cannot save our way to prosperity. Many cut advertising and marketing costs ...
Focusing on Time Management – Audrey Pavia, 02-10-2009
Every day is a race to beat the clock — to try to accomplish what is on your list for the day — but I find that most of the time I end up ...
Reasons to Be a Mentor in 2009 – Deb Lochli McGrath, 01-08-2009
(Giving Back, Mentoring)
As the New Year is upon us, one goal we should set is being a Mentor. We all agree that mentees receive enormous benefits from their mentors. Successful ...
Take the Mentoring Skills Quiz – Deb Lochli McGrath, 12-03-2008
As the year is coming to a close I thought it would be useful for each of us to evaluate individually how we managed mentoring during the past 12 months. ...
Reduce Holiday Stress – Jodi Groh, 11-12-2008
(Stress Management, Work / Life Balance)
Ready or not, the holidays are here. It's a time that should be filled with joy, but oftentimes that joy is shadowed by stress. With work, family, travel, ...
Red Velvet Bows – Rebecca L. Johnson, CPOT, COT, COE, 09-26-2008
(Customer Satisfaction, Organization)
I once consulted with a beautiful high-end optical boutique in sunny southern Florida. The store was perfectly spotless. The eyewear sparkled on the ...
Behave Yourself – Sandy Likes, 08-18-2008
How many times did you hear those words "behave yourself" from parents, grandparents and teachers growing up?
We usually received those words as we ...
Companies Need Marketing in a Down Economy – Jodi Groh, 07-09-2008
(Strategic Planning)
One of the first areas companies often cut dollars from in a down economy is the marketing budget. But it should be the last.
Significant marketing ...
Time to Change, Time to De-Stress – Sandy Likes, 06-05-2008
(Communicating, Stress Management)
Do you ever notice that after you talk with someone that your stress level is reduced or that it has increased? Great leaders are good at reducing stress ...
Five Actions to Build Trust – Sandy Likes, 04-22-2008
(Communicating, Team Building)
What can take a life time to build and takes only a moment to loose? Trust.
For people to have trust in you they must be able to depend on you, be ...
Does Education End at Graduation? – Jodi Groh, 03-25-2008
(Organization, Personal Brand)
How well do you keep up on business trends? Do you continually perform your job the same way, regardless of the results? Ever feel like you're getting ...
The Right Merchandising Strategy Builds Business – Sandy Likes, 02-14-2008
(Customer Satisfaction, Strategic Planning)
Is your merchandising strategy aligned with your overall business strategy? If not, you may be missing opportunities to grow your business. Merchandising ...
On The Job Cross Training Benefits – Sandy Likes, 10-01-2007
(Leadership, Team Building)
Just as you get benefits from cross training from your workout at the gym you will get benefits from cross training at work. In the gym cross training ...
What's in Your Compensation Package? – Sandy Likes, 08-16-2007
Often times we are so focused on our take-home pay amount, we don't think about the value of what makes up our total compensation package. If you are ...
Effective Communication is More than Just Talking – Sandy Likes, 07-15-2007
(Communicating, Organization)
Good communicators have the ability to get their ideas across to others so their needs are met. Whether it is closing a sale, getting the big promotion ...
Welcoming the New Employee – Jodi Groh, 06-15-2007
(Organization, Team Building)
You've just devoted time, energy and resources hiring a new employee, and naturally you want this employee to succeed. How the employee can adapt to ...
Where is Everybody? Absences in the Workplace – Amy Spiezio, 03-15-2007
(Leadership, Team Building)
While businesses are not legally required to give employees days off for federal or state holidays, most employers have standard vacation, personal and ...
How to Handle Negative Criticism – Jodi Groh, 03-01-2007
(Mentoring, Personal Brand)
Negative criticism. It's a fact of life we don't like to hear, and oftentimes occurs when a mistake is made. Our typical response is to feel hurt or ...
How to Get the Most Out of Corporate Team Building Events 6 Do's and 6 Don'ts – Sandy Likes, 02-19-2007
(Team Building)
So your company is planning a bowling outing for the next teambuilding event and you are wondering whether you should stay at your desk and work or learn ...
Balancing Home and Work – Jodi Groh, 12-20-2006
(Organization, Work / Life Balance)
Meetings. Phone calls. Deadlines. E-mails. Soccer practice. Piano lessons. Aging parents. Sick children. Housework. Bills. The multitude of tasks we ...
The Power of Delegating – Jodi Groh, 11-15-2006
(Leadership, Organization)
Delegating work to someone else is often a difficult thing to do, but in reality, it is one of the wisest things you can do. The benefits of delegating ...
Scheduling: 6 Ways to Solve the Slow-Schedule Puzzle – Donna Suter, 10-30-2006
(Communicating, Strategic Planning)
Do you know how much income you lose every time there is an opening in your appointment book? If you did, you might find time to sit down with your telephone ...
Avoiding Office Politics – Amy Spiezio, 10-15-2006
(Leadership, Mentoring)
The workplace is supposed to be a professional, dignified place, so why are there so many squabbles? Well, first off, people are human and bring their ...
Helpful Tips for Goal Achievement – Jodi Groh, 10-02-2006
(Inspiration, Organization)
Personal growth. Professional growth. Throughout one's life, the quest for improvement, knowledge, new skills and even adventures affect everyone. Where ...
A Positive Attitude: A Requirement in Today's World – Jodi Groh, 08-15-2006
(Good Vibes, Mentoring)
How often when given an assignment for the first time your immediate reaction is, "I can't do it"? Or you're interested in exploring a new hobby, but ...
Dealing with Angry Clients – Donna A. Suter, 07-31-2006
(Communicating, Stress Management)
Everyone has a bad day once in a while. And your clients, unfortunately, are included in that group. How you deal with them while they are all worked ...
Interviewing Employees – Donna A. Suter, 07-16-2006
(Communicating, Team Building)
How do you spell frustration? PERSONNEL TURNOVER. The finding, keeping, and training of personnel is an on-going project for most businesses. Your favorite ...
Developing a Healthy Self-Esteem – Jodi Groh, 07-01-2006
(Good Vibes, Inspiration)
Self-esteem, simply put, is the opinion you have of yourself. It is an emotion, conscious and unconscious, of how you like and respect yourself. It drives ...
How to Get the Raise You Deserve – Sandy Likes, 06-01-2006
(Mentoring, Negotiating)
Improve your chances of getting the raise you deserve by using these proven techniques.
Be Prepared
Make a list of your accomplishments that have ...
Mentoring 101: Just Ask. – Sandy Likes, 01-31-2006
When you are at a point in your career and you feel you need coaching and guidance to develop your skills to get to the next step on your career path, ...