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OWA One-Minute Inspiration — Articles Needed


The One-Minute Inspiration (OMI) is one of the most popular benefits of your OWA membership and comes to you twice a month! We would love to continue this series in the future, but are in need of articles to publish.

You do not need to be a published or seasoned writer in order to submit an article — proofreading and/or editing is part of our normal process. Your submission can relate to something personal, a current event or trend, or any topic, business or otherwise, that you think would connect, lead, or inspire women.

You can review articles here to see the variety of submissions in the past.

Please let us know if you would be interested. We publish on the 1st and 15th of each month, so an article would need to be submitted as a Word document a week before those dates. With a membership of over 1,000 members and growing, we would like to hear from as many of you as possible — we need to fill all dates for the remainder of 2024!

Your article should include the following:

Thank you so much,

Bonnie Whitfield and Jessica Darling
One Minute Inspiration Program Chairs
OWA Connection & Enrichment Committee

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