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Meet Kristie Nguyen!


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Photo of Kristie Nguyen

Photo of Kristie Nguyen

Photo of Kristie Nguyen

Photo of Kristie Nguyen

Photo of Kristie Nguyen

Photo of Kristie Nguyen


My friends call me: Kristie

I am the: Optometrist at Dr. Kristie Nguyen PLLC

I joined the OWA in:2022

Words my colleagues use to describe me are:Driven, fashionista, colorful.

The career advice I would give my 18-year-old self is:Network. Each person you meet could be someone who could change your life later.

When I think about my career, I'm most excited about:New opportunities to grow personally and professionally by collaborating with different brands within the Eyecare industry.

Daily, I read:Fantasy novels. This is my me time so I can unplug from my daily routine.

My theme song is:Me Too by Meghan Trainor

I recommend:Living each day to the fullest for tomorrow isn't guaranteed.

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