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January 2011 : Christie Walker of Jobson Optical to be Honored at OWA's 2011 Pleiades Award Event

By Audrey Pavia, Tura, OWA Director and Communications Committee Member
Christie Walker
Christie Walker will be honored as the twelfth OWA Pleiades Award recipient in New York City on March 18, 2011.

Christie Walker, editor and journalist has been selected as the OWA's 2011 recipient of the prestigious Pleiades Award. The gala event and awards ceremony will be hosted by the OWA on Friday March 18th, 2011 in New York.

A writer in the 60's, a journalist in the 70's, the author of a book on motherhood in the 80's, a novelist in the 90's and an editor for the optical industry since 1997, Christie Walker has never strayed far from her passion, writing. As the editor of the trade magazine LabTalk, a Frames Data publication and part of Jobson Optical, Walker keeps the lab side of the industry up-to-date on the latest news, technology and equipment developments. She is responsible for all editorial content, photography and design concepts for her magazine. A team player, Walker also contributes to: 20 / 20 magazine with her Street Seen photography; Vision Monday with photography and stories for the Show Dailies; and the Review of Optometry with photography and stories for SECO Daily. Most people would recognize her as the woman taking pictures at every optical event. She also works behind the scenes with Jobson's Creative Services Department writing consumer magazines, video scripts and brochures.

A "founding mother" of the Optical Women's Association, Walker was a member of the organization's original board and part of the team that created and named the Pleiades Award. She was a member of the publicity committee for several years and still contributes to that committee with her photography documenting OWA events. Currently a member of the program committee, Walker and her committee members are responsible for putting together the Professional Optical Women's Workshop program each year at Vision Expo West.

Working from home in Big Bear Lake, California, Walker also finds time to write romantic comedies, make jewelry for a local gallery, and protects the environment as the president of her local Sierra Club. She has two fabulous children, Erica and Brian, two step-children, Chelsey and Jamie, and a wonderful husband, Robbie, with whom she loves to travel, camp and explore.

Save the date! March 18, 2011

The Pleiades Award spotlights an individual who has shown commitment to the mission of the OWA by fostering the growth of women in the industry. This award is named for the star cluster Pleiades in the Taurus constellation. The Pleiades is also known as the "Seven Sisters" referring to the seven brightest stars in the cluster.

Special Note: The day of the Pleiades Award ceremony will also celebrate her 56th birthday! Come enjoy the celebration of our bright star, Ms. Christie Walker.

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