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Meet Chiara Oliviero!


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Chiara Oliviero

Chiara Oliviero

Chiara Oliviero


My friends call me: Chiara

I am the: WW Online & Offline EMEIA Brand Protection Manager at EssilorLuxottica

I joined the OWA in:2023

Words my colleagues use to describe me are:Curious, Communicative, Resolute and Creative

The career advice I would give my 18-year-old self is:Keep going, an obstacle is often a steppingstone!

When I think about my career, I'm most excited about:Learning new things! Connect with people around the world and speak about my passion: the Digital world.

Daily, I read:A bit of everything ..newspaper, from classic to self-improvement books

My theme song is:Roar by Katy Perry

I recommend:Stay curious, be bold and keep learning: Life is like riding a bicycle: to keep your balance you must keep moving.

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