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Meet Manali Patel!


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Manali Patel

Manali Patel


My friends call me: Manali

I am the: Controller at The Vision Council

I joined the OWA in:2017

Words my colleagues use to describe me are:Straightforward, get the work done!

The career advice I would give my 18-year-old self is:Work hard, time and tide wait for no man. Always be nice to everyone. Ask lots of questions.

When I think about my career, I'm most excited about:I love playing with numbers and am glad that I'm able to do that on a day to day basis.

Daily, I read:Religious philosophy , anything on health and wellness.

My theme song is:Everything's Gonna Be Alright

I recommend:Slow down, do not multitask. Enjoy little things in life.

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