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Meet Michelle Kelley!


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Photo of Michelle Kelley

Photo of Michelle Kelley

Photo of Michelle Kelley

Photo of Michelle Kelley


My friends call me: Michelle

I am the: Director of Ophthalmic Services and Materials at Southern College of Optometry

I joined the OWA in:2024

Words my colleagues use to describe me are:Driven, passionate, compassionate, humble

The career advice I would give my 18-year-old self is:Be courageous !! Life will knock you down, but keep getting back up.

When I think about my career, I'm most excited about:Helping patients live their best lives with the clearest vision possible while looking great. :-) There are many career opportunities in optometry, and the paths on your optometry journey are endless.

Daily, I read:I read or listen to scripture. An optometry-related article, I subscribe to many online journals.

My theme song is:Fight Song by Rachel Platten

I recommend:Kindness matters. You may never realize what someone is going through in their life journey. Your smile, a kind word, or offering a listening ear could help in ways you may never realize.

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