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Meet Amanda Collaso!


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Photo of Amanda Collaso

Photo of Amanda Collaso

Photo of Amanda Collaso

Photo of Amanda Collaso

Photo of Amanda Collaso


My friends call me: Amanda

I am the: CEO & Founder of Bookkeeping for Optometry

I joined the OWA in:2023

Words my colleagues use to describe me are:Analytical, Inspiring, Proactive, Realist

The career advice I would give my 18-year-old self is:Explore passions, gain diverse experiences. Don't rush career decisions. Embrace growth, stay curious. Your journey's just beginning!

When I think about my career, I'm most excited about:The prospect of making a tangible difference in the lives of those in the optometric industry; clients, and colleagues alike.

Daily, I read:To stay informed, I read current events and optometric updates. For fun, I love true crime and suspense.

My theme song is:This Feeling by Joey Harkum

I recommend:Never forgetting to foster your relationship with yourself.

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