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Meet Lorie L. Lippiatt, OD!

Lorie L. Lippiatt, OD

My friends call me: Lorie

I am the: Optometrist/President at The Salem Eyecare Center, Inc.

I joined the OWA in:2004

Words my colleagues use to describe me are:Focused, Transparent, Dedicated, Kind

The career advice I would give my 18-year-old self is:Go for it! Always look ahead and have confidence you can achieve everything you are passionate about.

When I think about my career, I'm most excited about:The opportunity I had to start my own Eyecare practice, build a strong team of women staff members, and serve our local community for the past 27 years. I love being involved in the optical industry, especially the OWA!

Daily, I read:My twitter feed, too many Emails, Patient charts, Optometric updates & Flipboard

My theme song is:Anything from Brian Culbertson. I can think more clearly listening to soft jazz.

I recommend:Surround yourself with people that you want to be most like. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slower to criticize. Get involved!


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