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Membership Application

Membership in the OWA is open to all women in the optical industry.

Required fields are in bold red. Please use standard capitalization practices (i.e., do not use all caps or all lower case).

If you have questions, feel free to contact our Executive Director, Carol Wilbur, at , or phone her at 972.233.9107 x207.

Personal Information

If your phone number is a non-U.S./Canada number, please be sure to include your country code at the beginning of your phone number. For instance, a phone number for France should begin with +33.

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Write the characters in the image above.
Membership Rate:

First Name:
Last Name:
Friendly Name:

Title / Position:
Company Name:
Web Address:

Email Address:
Work Phone:
Mobile Phone:

Address 1:
Address 2:

State / Province:

Non-U.S./Canada State / Province:
Zip / Postal Code:


Password may include letters and numbers only, must include at least one number, and may be between 7 and 30 characters in length
How did you hear about OWA?
Colleague / Coworker (Please provide Name, Title, and Email below)
OWA Event
Publication - Trade Magazine
Social Media - Advertising
OWA Website
If Publication, Colleague / Coworker, or Other, please specify:

Please let us know if someone referred you so that we can be sure to thank them.

About Me:

Social Media

Help other OWA members connect with you via LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and X.

LinkedIn Icon

When you are logged into LinkedIn, go to your public profile page and look for "your current URL". Copy and paste that here.

Instagram Handle:
Instagram Icon

When you are logged into Instagram, your handle is next to your profile photo and above your name. Please do not include the @ sign or a full URL.

Facebook Icon

When you are logged into Facebook, click on your own name in the navigation to view your own profile. Copy and paste the URL for that page here.

X Icon

Just give us your X username. This is whatever follows the @ symbol. For instance, @opticalwomen. Please do not include the @ sign or a full URL.


Contact Type:
Other Contact Type:

(Required if you selected Other)

Industry Type:
Other Industry Type:

(Required if you selected Other)

Held Current Position Since:
In Optical Industry Since:

Brief Job Description:

Career Path:
(Please list from 3 to 5 previous positions or work experience you've had along the way)

Areas of Expertise

Please check all of your personal "Areas of Expertise" so that OWA Members can tap you for advice or support.

Professional Growth:
Communicating with Confidence
Dealing with Difficult Customers / Employees / Boss
Human Resource Issues Management
Management / Leadership Skills
Managing Change
Managing Conflict
Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Meeting Planning
Mentoring / Career Coaching
New Business Start-up
Profit Building for Your Business / Practice
Project Management
Public Relations / Media Relations
Sales Techniques
Social Networking
Staffing & Staff Dismissal: Techniques and Legal Guidelines
Strategic Planning

Other Professional Growth Expertise:
Personal Growth:
Building Healthy Relationships
Image & Identity Building
Leading a Balanced Life
Motivation / Inspiration
Organization Skills / Eliminating Clutter
Single Parenting for the Career Woman
Stress Management
Time Management

Other Personal Growth Expertise:

Professional Organizations

Professional Organizations:
Please check any other professional organizations of which you are a member. Don't see one that you think should be on the list? Please contact the OWA Office and let us know.

Accessories Council
American Academy of Ophthalmology
American Academy of Optometry
American Optometric Association
Contact Lens Society of America
National Academy of Opticianry
National Optometric Association
State Opticianry Association
State Optometric Association
United Opticians Association
The Vision Council
Other Professional Organization Memberships:
(Please limit to your top three)

Committee / Leadership Interest

Click here to learn more about OWA's Committees. If you're interested in joining a committee, select the box below and a member of that committee will reach out with more information.

Communications & Website — The Communications & Website Committee creates the OWA newsletters, communications pieces, and more. If you love to write, interview industry leaders, research relevant industry topics or have always wanted to try, this group may be great for you.
Connection & Enrichment — Perfect for those who like to share their knowledge and grow professionally from the professional insight provided by fellow members, the Connection & Enrichment Committee is always looking for help creating the One-Minute Inspiration blasts.
Digital Marketing — Do you speak marketing, branding, and social media? Think you can apply your marketing prowess and help the OWA make an even bigger mark on the industry? If so, the Digital Marketing Committee is calling your name. This committee is charged with infusing new excitement into the overall online presence of the OWA, and keeping that excitement alive throughout the year. The goal is to make sure that everyone that interacts with the OWA online gets a real feel for what the association is about and why they should get involved.
Events — If you love the networking socials and professional development seminars and want to keep these events packed with a wide variety of optical professionals, the Events Committee may be a good fit. The committee organizes networking events, Connection Series professional development seminars, and more, covering the logistics behind the planning of a successful event.
Membership & Welcome — Do you want to be sure that the OWA remains a growing, vibrant group? The Membership Committee develops new ways to keep our membership coming back for more.

OWA Leadership Interest:

Discount Code

If you have been provided with a Discount Code, please enter it here.


Members Photo Collage
Platinum Sponsors
Advancing Eyecare
Bausch + Lomb
De Rigo REM
Kering Eyewear + Maui Jim
Modo Eyewear
National Vision
VSP Vision
Zyloware Eyewear
Gold Sponsors
AEG Vision
Eyemart Express
New York Eye
United Healthcare
Versant Health
Vision Expo
Silver Sponsors
A & A Optical
Jobson Optical Group
L'Amy Group
Match Eyewear
The McGee Group
Safilo Group
Tura Eyewear
Vision Council of America
Friends of OWA
ABB Optical Group
Amcon Labs
CSI Software
Eye Designs Group
Eye Recommend
Kavanagh Consulting, LLC
Kenmark Eyewear
New Look Vision Group
OGI Eyewear
Windsor Eyes