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Past Events — Chicago, Illinois Regional Event
Tuesday, July 23, 2024


You're invited to an OWA regional event hosted by Europa Eyewear — a private tour of the STATE Optical Co. and AO Eyewear factory in Chicago!

Located just northwest of the city at Europa's headquarters, the state-of-the-art facility is the largest eyewear factory in the U.S., and produces both metal and acetate frames.

This exciting opportunity for OWA members gives you the chance to see everything that goes into frame manufacturing and meet the craftspeople personally! Opticians can also receive an hour of ABO CE for attending.

The group tour will take place on Tuesday, July 23rd and will kick off with a mimosa toast at 8:30 am. Space is limited, so please RSVP to reserve your spot on the tour.

Members and non-members alike are invited to this event, so don't wait to sign up!

You may click on any of the photos to download a high-resolution version.

Chicago, Illinois Regional Event - 1
Chicago, Illinois Regional Event - 2

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